Tag Archives: sccm

Reporting Services tab not showing in SCCM console after R3 upgrade? Here’s how to fix it.


Recently I have upgraded my SCCM central server which was running 2007 SP2 to 2007 R3 and encountered interesting issue. Basically after all reports have been imported I couldn’t see Reporting Services tab in my console to take advantage of any pre-defined reports showing power consumption etc. Currently my console looks as follows:


where the same console on my central server has the tab I’m missing which its showing up just fine:


Solution to get this problem fixed is to install hotfix from Microsoft which happens to be a pre-requisite before you install R3 on your client computer with SCCM console. Link:


If you’re after the actual .msi ready to be installed you can get it from here (downloading hotfixes from Microsoft can be a bit of pain sometimes):


…at this point you should be all set to install the R3 upgrade to your console which will bring the Reporting Services tab.

SCCM 2007 R3 – Remove All Packages from DP (Distribution Point)


Lets assume that you have to decommission a distribution point that’s part of your ConfigMgr 2007 R3 infrastructure. Doing it the clean way would mean manually removing all packages, you have ever copied, which is definitely not fun. Initial copy of packages, when the DP is first setup, has a nice feature called “Copy Packages” but there is absolutely nothing allowing you to remove them. Pretty stupid really as trying to find every single package and manually “Manage Distribution Point” can take literally hours… Fortunately there is very handy tool to help us out here called “ConfigMgr 2007 Distribution Point Package Utility” created by Cory Becht.

This utility queries the primary site server for all of its distribution points including child sites and then displays the packages for each distribution point. You check or uncheck which ones you want on that distribution point. You can also copy the packages list from one DP to another.

This utility was done in Visual Studio 2005, so it does require .NET Framework 2.0
Version History:

1.3 – Now includes duplicating the packages of another distribution point.
1.2 – Updated to include new ConfigMgr 2007 classes for packages (SoftwareUpdate, BootImage, etc.)
1.1 – Fixed multiple DP’s per site error.
1.01 – Included “Select All” button for packages.

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How to deploy 7-Zip 9.20?


Following on from my last post which talked about deployment of VLC Media Player 2.0.4 we are going to look at pushing out 7-Zip 9.20 in the enterprise.

7-Zip has been around for as long as I can remember and its a very good alternative to WinRAR and WinZIP – both of which are chargeable. Functionality wise its definitely on pair with any paid solution available today. Also .7z compression format is one of the best to use if you care about final file size – to quote 7-Zip themselves here is what they have to say:

Compression ratio results are very dependent upon the data used for the tests. Usually, 7-Zip compresses to 7z format 30-70% better than to zip format. And 7-Zip compresses to zip format 2-10% better than most of other zip compatible programs.

Quick compression ratio stats show how well 7-Zip does against the competition:


FILE SETS: Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 for Windows and Google Earth 3.0.0616 for Windows after full installation.
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Find All Duplicated Computer Objects in SCCM Database…


Here is the query that will find all duplicated computer objects in your database. Really useful when OSD is involved! Example of that we are trying to get rid of:

Now, in order to identify the duplicates we need to create a new collection with following query:


select R.ResourceID,R.ResourceType,R.Name,R.SMSUniqueIdentifier,R.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,R.Client from SMS_R_System as r full join SMS_R_System as s1 on s1.ResourceId = r.ResourceId full join SMS_R_System as s2 on s2.Name = s1.Name where s1.Name = s2.Name and s1.ResourceId != s2.ResourceId and R.Client = null

Once done you can click on the collection itself and safely select “Delete Special” to remove all duplicates!

If you guys have any questions please leave a comment down below.

Find All Obsolete Computer Objects in SCCM Database


Very quick query to find all obsolete computer objects in site system database:



    SMS_R_System.Obsolete = 1

All Unknown Computers Collection is Completely Empty in SCCM 2007!


In case you managed to screw up, somehow, the membership of All Unknown Computers collection (like me!) here is the query that will bring back:

x86 Unknown Computer
x64 Unknown Computer

sub-collections for all of your sites! In my case All Unknown Computers was empty, completely messing up my OSD deployments…

Rescue query:

    Decommissioned = 0

How to Configure the Maximum Rows Returned in the Values List in SCCM 2007


This was bugging me for some time now and finally I have the solution, good old TechNet, eh?

Report Viewer in Configuration Manager 2007 limits the number of rows returned to 1,000 rows when you click Values and the values list displays for a prompt. The maximum number of rows returned by the query for the prompt that populates the values list can be modified by creating a registry key and setting a value on site system computers that have the reporting point role.

Increasing the maximum number of rows for queries that return a large amount of data or for queries that are inefficiently written might cause performance issues when the values are displayed.

To configure the number of rows returned in a values list:

  • Open the Registry Editor on the reporting point computer.
  • On reporting points that run on a 32-bit operating system, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Reporting.
  • On reporting points that run on a 64-bit operating system, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SMS\Reporting.
  • Create a DWORD value named Values Rowcount, and then set its value to the number of rows that you want returned in the report query.
  • If you want to return all rows, set the value to 0xffffffff, which is the hexadecimal equivalent of –1.

The configured number of rows is returned by any prompt query that is run from this reporting point.

Registry key ready to be imported [setting the value to 5000 rows] can be downloaded from:

Here for x64 and here for x86 systems.

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Hey there! Welcome to my vBlog.

As you have probably guessed by now, its gonna be me vs VMware flagship bare metal hypervisor – ESX/i… [not all the time though!]

Second part of entertainment will be provided by System Centre Configuration Manager or vNext in later releases.

Strong advice:

Grab the RSS feed and sit tight awaiting updates! :)
